Cheat codes are passwords that you can enter into a game which gives you powers beyond the design of the game. Thus the name. Initially, it was decided that cheat codes would not be made available to the gamer in Shades of Doom, but due to popular demand, we have decided to compromise. Once you have reached 20,000 points the game will generate a file which will include all the cheat codes. The file will be placed in your Shades of Doom directory and will have the name "CheatCodes.txt".
Cheat codes are not available in demo mode. If you do not want to do the work to earn the codes, you may purchase them from GMA at an additional price. Cheat codes are unique to each registered user.
It is sometimes fun to use cheat codes, but for the most part, we feel that you will have more satisfaction playing without them. If you plan to use cheat codes, we suggest that you only use one at a time. This will leave at least some challenges in the game.
The available cheat codes are: